blanchard desceMireille Blanchard-Desce (homepage) is a guest scientist of the IPTC and  CLiC on a two day trip on Monday, November, 18th and Tuesday, November19th.

Joint seminar lecture IPTC and CLiC on
Monday, November, 18th starting 17.15 o´clock in lecture hall B3 on
"Molecular approaches to biophotonics: From ultrabright nanoparticles for bioimaging to new cages for photoactivated drug delivery"

CLiC PhD chating time on Tuesday, November, 19th, 13.30 - 14.30 o´clock in AK Heckel´s seminar room (N160, B414) or
write an e-mail to Ute Imkampe (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for individual chatting time.